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J Weld Join > Volume 30(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of KWJS 2012;30(6):49-55.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5781/KWJS.2012.30.6.535    Published online December 23, 2012.
A Experiment Study of Torch Distance on Automated Tandem GMA Welding System
Ji-Hye Lee*, Ill-Soo Kim*, Seong-Myeong Jung*, Jong-Pyo Lee*, Young-Su Kim*, Min-Ho Park*
Correspondence:  Ill-Soo Kim,
Email: ilsookim@mokpo.ac.kr
The tandem welding process is one of the most efficient welding processes widely used in material joining technique such as manufacturing of strong and durable structures. It facilitates high rate of joint filling with little increase in the overall rate of heat input due to the simultaneous deposition from two electrode wires. The two electrodes in tandem welding process helps in high-efficiency and high productive of welding process. In this study a automated tandem welding system is developed to determine the correlation between cathode and anode and compared with current ratio of the two electrode torch. Three different inter-electrode distances were chosen, 25mm, 35mm and 45mm to perform the experiment with three different current ratio. From the experiment results, the current ratio between two torch has a large impact on width, height and depth of penetration. In addition, a stable bead geometry is obtained when inter-electrode distance is 35mm.
Key Words: Tandem GMAW, Interface controller, Torch distance, Current ratio

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