필릿용접 구조물의 용접조건 선정을 위한 실험적 연구 |
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A Experiment Study for Selection of Welding Condition of fillet Welded Structure |
Hyun-Ho Na, Ill-Soo Kim, Ji-Sun Kim, Ji-Hye Lee |
Abstract |
GMA welding process is a production process to improve productivity for the provision of higher welding quality of material. These includes numerous process variables that could affect welding quality, productivity and cost savings. Recently, the welding part of construction equipment had frequent failure of major components in the welding part of each subsidiary material due to shock which is very poor according to the welding part. Therefore, the implementation of sound welding procedure is the most decisive factor for the reliability of construction machinery. The data generated through experiments conducted in this study has validated its effectiveness for the optimization of bead geometry and process variables is presented. The criteria to control the process parameters, to achieve a good bead geometry. This study has developed mathematical models and algorithms to predict or control the bead geometry in GMA fillet welding process. |
Key Words:
Fillet welding, Taguchi method, Mathematical model, Sensitivity analysis |