Instructions for authors

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  • Instructions for authors


● Aims and Scope (Print Edition ISSN: 2466-2232/ Web Edition ISSN: 2466-2100)

Journal of Welding and Joining (JWJ) is an open access, peer reviewed and refereed international journal published in electronic form as well as print form. The journal is dedicated to the full range of scientific and technological issues associated with welding and joining of materials. The research work published will be oriented more towards both academic and practical applications in manufacturing. The journal covers all aspects of materials joining including welding, brazing, soldering, cutting, thermal spraying and hybrid joining and fabrication techniques. The detail scopes of JWJ journal include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • • Additive Manufacturing
  • • Arc Physics/Visual/ Simulation
  • • Diffusion Bonding, Brazing, TLP Bonding, Soldering
  • • Electrical Resistance Welding
  • • Electronic Packaging and Reliability
  • • Friction Stir Welding/Process
  • • Inspection / Evaluation / Education & Qualification
  • • Laser / Electron Beam Welding & Processing
  • • Nano/Microjoining Process
  • • Residual Stress/Distortion/Modelling
  • • Sensing and Monitoring/Welding Processes/Welding automation/li>
  • • Surface Modification
  • • Welding Metallurgy
  • • Welding Strength/Integrity Assessment

● About the journal

Journal of Welding and Joining is founded in 1983 and publishes issues bimonthly starting from February. The journal title has been changed three times, Journal of Korean Welding Society, KWS, from 1983 to 2006, Journal of Korean Welding and Joining Society, KWJS, from 2007 to 2013, and currently Journal of Welding and Joining, JWJ, from 2014 to present. Articles published in this journal are abstracted in Google Scholar, KCI (Korea Citation Index) and KSCI (Korea Science Citation Index). This work is supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies(KOFST) Grant funded by the Korea Government

● Manuscript Submission

New manuscripts should be submitted online at the following URL:
Log in is required for the first time user. If you do not have an account, click "Register" button and make your account. ID should be your email address being actively used now. If you have an account but forgot your password, click the "Forgot Your Password?" button. Your password will be given to your emailaddress on your request. To begin, enter your User ID and password into the boxes provided, and click.At the welcome screen, click "Submit a Manuscript" button. After that, click "New Submissions" button to submit your new manuscript and follow steps 1-6.

• Step 1. Title, Abstract and Corresponding Author
Choose manuscript type, and enter your title and abstract into the appropriate boxes. If you need to insert a special character, click the "Special Characters" button. If you are submitting a manuscript that does not require an Abstract, please type N/A in the Abstract box. Please click the check box, if the corresponding author is the first author.
• Step 2. Authors
Enter the personal information for the first author in the boxes under "Add the First Author."
• Step 3. File Upload
The manuscript file (main text) should not include authors’ name or affiliation. Upload and select the correct file designation for each item. All images should be inserted into a PowerPoint file. Acceptable file formats are pdf, hwp, doc and ppt, and each file should not be bigger than 20 MB in size.
• Step 4. PDF conversion
Merger file will be created in pdf format.
• Step 5. Cover Letter
Please, submit a separate cover letter with additional notes to Editor-in-Chief.
• Step 6. Preview
Review the information in the Preview chart for correctness; make changes if needed. If you have not completed the required steps, you will not be able to submit your manuscript.
• Step 7. Cover Letter
Once it is submitted, you will be able to monitor the progress of your manuscript through the peer review process.

● Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be typed in double-spaced with adequate margins. All manuscript must use SI (metric) units in the text, figures, or tables. Manuscripts should be organized in the following order: title, name(s) of author(s) and his/her (their) complete affiliation(s) including zip code(s), Abstract (not exceeding 200 words), Introduction, Main body of paper, Acknowledgements, References, Appendices, Table & Figure Captions, Tables and Figures.

  • • Title: The title of the paper should be concise and definitive.
  • • Author names and affiliations: Author name should consist of first name (or initial), middle initial, and last name. The author affiliation should consist of the following, as applicable, in the order noted:
    Company or college (with department name or company division), Postal address, City, state, zip code Country name (only for countries other than the U.S.), Telephone, fax, and e-mail
  • • Abstract: An abstract (200 words maximum) should open the paper or brief. The purposes of the abstract are:
    1. To give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them.
    2. To provide key words and phrases for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes.
  • • Equations: All mathematical equations should be clearly printed/typed using well accepted explanation.
    Superscripts and subscripts should be typed clearly above or below the base line. Equation numbers should be given in Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand margin. They should be cited in the text as, for example, Eq. (1), or Eqs. (1)-(3).
  • • Tables: All tables should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of a table number and a brief title. This number should be used when referring to the table in text. Table references should be included within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Tables should be inserted as part of the text as close as possible to its first reference — with the exception of those tables included at the end of the paper as an appendix. A separate list of table numbers and their respective captions should be included at the end of the paper (for production purposes only).
  • • Figures: All figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc.) should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the figure number and a brief title or description of the figure. This number should be used when referring to the figure in text. Figure references should be included within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Figures should be referenced within the text as "Fig. 1." When the reference to a figure begins a sentence, the abbreviation "Fig." should be spelled out, e.g., "Figure 1." A separate list of figure numbers and their respective captions should be included at the end of the paper (for production purposes only).
  • • Reference: Within the text, references should be cited in numerical order according to their order of appearance. The numbered reference citation within text should be indicated with half-parenthesis in superscripts.
    Example: It was shown by Moon1)that the fracture toughness decreases under these conditions.

In the case of two citations, the numbers should be separated by a comma1,2). In the case of more than two references, the numbers should be separated by a dash3,4,5-7). All references should be listed at the end of the manuscripts, arranged in order. Reference to journal articles and papers in serial publications should include:

• Initials name of each author
• Full title of the cited article, title capitalization
• Abbreviation name of the journal
• Volume number (if any) (Do not include the abbreviation, "Vol.")
• Issue number (if any) in parentheses (Do not include the abbreviation, “No.”)
• Year of publication
• Inclusive page numbers of the cited article (Do not include the abbreviation, “pp.”)
• Number of DOI (if any)

The exemplary form of listed references is as follows:

  • (1) Journal : Author, Title, Journal, Volume(Number) (Year) Page.
    S. W. Kim and C. K. Chun, Trend of DED type Additive Manufacturing Technology for Titanium, J. Weld. Join. 35(4) (2017) 327-332.
  • (2) Conference : Author, Title, Proceeding, Place (Year) Page.
    J. H. Lee, C. H. Kim and N. H. Kang, Hydrogen Diffusion and Embrittlement with Respect to Microstructure of Pipeline Steel Welds, Proceedings of International Welding and Joining Conference (IWJC 2017), Gyeongju, Korea (2017) 3-4.
  • (3) Book : Author, Title, Publisher, Place, Nation (Year) Page.
    S. Kou, Welding Metallurgy, 2nd Edition, Wiley Interscience, New Jersey, USA (2003) 433-440.
  • (4) Thesis : Author, Thesis, Title, University, Place (Year) Page.
    W. J. Seong, Ph. D. thesis, A Study on Flame Forming and Straightening of Welding Distortion for Shipbuilding Structure, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (2012) 151.
  • (5) Standard : Standard No., Title, Publisher (Year).
    ISO 9455-11, Soft Soldering Fluxes - Test Methods - Part 11; Solubility of Flux Residues, Internationa Standardization Organization (ISO) (2017).

References, including those pending publications in well-known journals or pertaining to private communications, not readily available to referees and readers will not be acceptable if the understanding of any part of the submitted paper is dependent upon them. In the text the reference should be numbered in bracket in ascending order, e.g.1,2), etc.

● Publication type

  • • Review paper : Review articles undergo full peer review. A Review Article organizes, clarifies, and summarizes existing major works in science and engineering and provides comprehensive citations to a full spectrum of relevant literatures.
  • • Special issue : Special issue articles undergo full peer review. A special issue article reports results that are of significant and archival value to the engineering community; however, these works are more limited in scope and length than a research paper. A special issue may contain any of the following: 1. preliminary report of a result not yet fully developed or interpreted; and 2. commentary on a technical issue of potential interest to readers.
  • • Research paper : Research papers undergo full peer review. A research paper is a full-length, technically original research document that reports results of major and archival value to the specific community of engineers that comprise the journal audience.

Galley proofs will be provided as a pdf file to the author with reprint order and copyright transfer form. The author should return the corrected galley proofs within a week with the signed reprint order and copyright transfer form. Attention of the authors is directed to the instructions which accompany the proof, especially the requirement that all corrections, revisions, and additions be entered on the proofs and not on the manuscripts. Proofs should be carefully checked and returned to the Journal of Welding and Joining (JWJ) editorial office by online or e-mail if the changes are minimal. If the changes are extensive, proofs should be returned by fax only. Substantial changes in an article at this stage may be made at the author’s expense. The reprint request form must be returned with the proof. Neither the editor nor the JWJ office keeps any supply of reprints.

● Copyright

After published to JWJ, the copyright of manuscripts should belong to KWJS. A transfer of copyright (publishing agreement) form can be found in submission website (

● Peer review process

Submitted manuscripts will be sent to peer reviewers, unless they are either out of scope or below the quality threshold for the journal, or the presentation or written English is of an unacceptably low standard. A manuscript that meets this standard is sent to anonymous reviewers for peer review. Once the editorial office receives complete reviews, the associate editor and editor makes a decision and the corresponding author is informed of the editorial decision by e-mail. The editor selects referees results of the review will be classified as follows;

  • • Accepted: The manuscript will be forwarded to the publisher without further corrections.
  • • Minor revisions: The author should address the comments from the reviewers, which will be confirmed by the reviewers before being sent to the publisher.
  • • Major revisions: The author should address the comments from the reviewers and make the appropriate corrections for further review by the reviewers.
  • • Rejection: When majority of the reviewers recommends not to publish, the manuscript will be rejected by the editorial committee.
  • • Consultation: Review of the manuscript will be forwarded to further consultation to subcommittees and subspecialties.

Manuscripts reviewed that require revision should be revised and uploaded with a response to the reviewers’ comment at JWJ editorial manager within 45 days. Otherwise, the manuscript will be considered as a new manuscript when and if it is resubmitted. And disputes or ethical issues raised during or after the publication should follow the guidelines found at

● Research and publication ethics

Journal of Welding and Joining (JWJ) strictly applies international standards for editors and authors of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on publishing integrity.

● Page charge or article processing charge

The article processing charge for paper is 200,000 KRW within 6 pages. An excess page charge of 30,000 KRW per page will be charged within 10 pages. For papers with acknowledgement for financial support, there will be additional charge of 70,000 KRW. Be noted that there is no article processing charge for papers submitted by foreign authors

● Address to submit and Contact information inquiry

The Korean Welding and Joining Society
#304, San-Jeong Building, 23, Gukhoe-daero 66-gil,
Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07237, Korea
Tel. +82-2-538-6511~6512, Fax. +82-2-538-6510, E-mail.,

● Authors’ checklist for manuscript submission

Prospective authors should use the following checklist for manuscript preparation.

<Title Page>

  • □ Include all authors with current affiliations.
  • □ Provide full contact information for the corresponding author.


  • □ Abstracts should not exceed 200 words.
  • □ Make sure to include a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them.
  • □ Use keywords in proper English format.

<Body of Manuscript>

  • □ Use 10 pt. font size.
  • □ Use a default typeface (e.g. Times, Times New Roman, Courier, Helvetica or Arial).
  • □ Is the manuscript written according to the JWJ manuscript preparation guideline including the section on how to write references?
  • □ Is your manuscript carefully proofread?


  • □ References should be numbered and listed at the end of the paper in the order of cited.
  • □ Properly formatted according to the style set of JWJ template.

<Figures and Tables>

  • □ Properly labeled and formatted.
  • □ Minimum required resolution for publication (600dpi).

Journal of
Welding and

Print ISSN: 2466-2232
Online ISSN: 2466-2100

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To submit a manuscript, please visit the Journal of Welding and Joining e-submission management system at, read the Instructions for Authors, and log into the Journal of Welding and Joining e-submission system.
For assistance with manuscript submission, please contact:
Register for e-submission  Free archive
Anyone may access any past or current articles without logging in.

Editorial Office
#304, San-Jeong Building, 23, Gukhoe-daero 66-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 07237, Korea
Tel: +82-2-538-6511    Fax: +82-2-538-6510    E-mail:                

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