Previous issues
Volume 7 Issue 4
The Manufacturing of Clad Steel and Its Utilization
- 최영국
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):1-11.
High Power CO2 Laser Beam Welding for Low Carbon Steels
- 김재도
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):12-21.
A Study on Weld Distortion in Butt and Fillet Welds of a Steel Plate by Flux Cored Arc Welding
- 안성철, 유순영, 조성택
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):22-29.
Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Overlay Welds
- 이기호, 김기철, 김주학, 윤의박
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):30-37.
A Study on the Behavior of Plastic Deformation in Weld HAZ of Mild Steel
- 박창언, 정세희
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):38-45.
Residual Stresses on Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Coatings
- 류지호, 강춘식, 김종영
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):46-55.
A Study on Fracture Strength Evaluation of Steel Welded Joint by Means of Small Punch Test II - Focused on High Strength Steels -
- 유대영, 송기홍, 유효선, 정세희
- Journal of KWJS. 1989;7(4):56-67.