Previous issues
Volume 26 Issue 3
Characteristics of Organic Coated Steel Strip and the Joining Technique
- JongWon Yoon
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):1-4.
Effect of Susceptible Microstructure Depends on Transverse Cracks in Thick Steel Weldments
- Hae-Woo Lee, Sung-Won Kang, Jae-Myung Lee
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):5-10.
Effect of Diffusible Hydrogen Depends on Transverse Cracks in Thick Steel Weldments
- Hae-Woo Lee, Sung-Won Kang, Myung-Hyun Kim
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):11-15.
A Study on the Structural Integrity Assessment of Dissimilar Welds on Nuclear Power Plant
- Jong-Sung Kim, Tae-Eun Jin, Yun-Jae Kim, Chang-Heui Jang
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):16-22.
Evaluation of Buckling Distortion for the Thin Panel Welded Structure According to Welding Processes
- Sang-Beom Shin, Dong-Ju Lee, Joo-sung Lee
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):23-29.
A Study on the Optimization of IR Laser Flip-chip Bonding Process Using Taguchi Methods
- Chun-Sam Song, Hyun-Sik Ji, Joohan Kim, Jong-Hyeong Kim, Hyo-Sok Ahn
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):30-36.
A Study on the Correlation between Advanced Small Punch Test and Charpy V-notch Test on X20CrMoV121 and 2.25Cr1Mo steels Weldment
- Dong-Hwan Lee, Hyoung-Sup Kim
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):37-44.
Estimation of Fatigue Life in Butt-Welded Zone of SM45C Steel Rod
- Byung-Duck Oh, Yong-Bok Lee
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):45-50.
Evaluation of Fracture Toughness and Microstructure on FCA Weldment According to Heat Input
- Yong-Taek Shin, Sung-Won Kang, Myung-Hyun Kim
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):51-60.
Development of Thermal Distortion Analysis Method Based on Inherent Strain for TMCP Steels
- Yunsok Ha, Jinhyuk Yang, Seokhee Won, Myungsu Yi
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):61-66.
Numerical Fatigue Test Method of Welded Structures Based on Continuum Damage Mechanics
- Chi-Seung Lee, Young-Hwan Kim, Tae-Woo Kim, Byung-Moon Yoo, Jae-Myung Lee
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):67-73.
Introduction of Korea Welding Engineering (KWE) Certificate Course
- 김하영, 이형근
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):74-78.
IIW Report
- 이목영
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):79-79.
- 편집부
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):80-89.
Condolatory Address
- 박동환
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):90-90.
회원사 동정 외
- 편집부
- Journal of KWJS. 2008;26(3):91-95.