탄소강 환봉의 레이저 표면변태경화 특성에 관한 연구 (Ⅱ)빔 프로파일 차이에 따른 레이저 표면변태경화 특성 비교 |
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Study on Characteristics of Laser Surface Transformation Hardeningfor Rod-shaped Carbon Steel (Ⅱ) - Comparison of Characteristics on Laser Surface Transformation Hardening as a Difference of Beam Profile - |
Jong-Do Kim, Woon-Ju Kang |
Abstract |
The conventional study on the laser surface transformation hardening has been carried out with a beam of the specified shape and uniform power-intensity distribution in order to ensure the uniformity of the hardening depth. Two types of beams - the circular gaussian beam and rectangular beam of the uniform power-intensity distribution were used in this study. we were supposed to optimize the process parameters and to compare the hardening results with two optics respectively. As a result, the hardness distribution of the hardened zone was similar in both cases and the hardened phase by the rectangular beam was denser than that by the circular gaussian beam. |
Key Words:
Defocusing, Integration mirror, Circular gaussian beam, Rectangular beam |