Al-Fe 레이저 오버레이층 경계면에서의 금속간화합물 거동 |
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Intermetallic Compounds Behavior at Laser Overlay Interface of Aluminum and Fe-based Powder |
Namhyun Kang, Yeon-Gon Yoo, Chang-Woo Lee, Jeong-Han Kim |
Abstract |
A CO₂ laser overlay was conducted by using a Fe-based powder on the AC2B aluminum substrate. Cracks and intermetallic compounds (IMC) were observed inconsistently along the interface between the overlay and post-molten layer. A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detected some Fe-rich IMC (Fe₃ Al, FeAl) as well as the brittle Al-rich IMC (Fe₂Al?, FeAl₃ ). Micro vickers hardness proved the formation of Al-rich IMC (FeAl₃ ) along the interface by showing HV0.1 800~900. Furthermore, nano indentation was successfully applied to investigate the behavior of IMC more precisely than the micro vickers hardness. |
Key Words:
CO₂ laser, Overlay, Fe-Al intermetallic compound, Interface, Micro vickers hardness, Nano indentation |