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Journal of KWJS 2006;24(6):39-43.
Published online February 12, 2007.
페라이트계 스테인리스강 / 용융아연도금강 이종 저항 점용접부의 특성
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Resistance Spot Weldability of Ferritic Stainless Steel and Galvanized Steel
Jeong-Kil Kim, In-Su Woo, Boyoung Jeong, Jong-Bong Lee
  A ferritic stainless steel, STS430, and a galvanized steel for case and frame of electronic goods are welded by resistance spot welding and resistance projection welding methods.
  In this study, resistance spot welding has been performed to investigate the weldability of dissimilar materials such as a ferritic stainless steel and a galvanized steel.
  Tensile load of the spot weld without heat treatment was 196 kN and brittle fracture occurred at interface between STS430 and nugget due to the high hardness, 380 Hv, in nugget. It was found that the hardness of as-welded nugget increased with higher cooling rate during resistance spot welding by comparing with GTA weld of same materials. Heat treatment by applying second current made nugget softened. Tensile load of heat treated weld increased and reached to 303 kN and fracture occurred at base metal, a galvanized steel.
Key Words: Resistance spot welding, Ferritic stainless steel, Galvanized steel, Nugget

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