[연구논문] 유도초음파를 이용한 장거리 배관 탐상기법 |
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Long Range Ultrasonic Guided Wave Techniques for Inspection of Pipes |
Ik-Keun Park, Yong-Kwon Kim, Hyun-Mook Kim, Won-Joon Song, Yong-Sang Cho, Yeon-Shik Ahn |
Abstract |
Conventional non-destructive techniques for inspection of the weld in pipelines require significant test time and high cost. Ultrasonic guided waves have been widely studied and successfully applied to various non-destructive tests with advantage of the long-range inspection. In this paper, a study on the application of ultrasonic guided waves to the long-range inspection of the pipeline is presented using a long-range guided wave inspection system, Wavemaker SE16, GUL. The characteristics and setup of the long-range guided wave inspection system and experimental results in pipes of with various diameter are introduced. The experimental results in mock-up pipes with cluster type detects show that the minimum detectable wall thickness reduction with this guided wave system is 2~3% in the pipe cross section area. And the wall thickness reduction of 5% in cross section area can be detected when actual detection level is used. Therefore, the applicability of the guided wave systeme to long-range inspection of wall thickness reduction in pipes is verified. |