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J Weld Join > Volume 33(5); 2015 > Article
Journal of Welding and Joining 2015;33(5):31-34.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5781/JWJ.2015.33.5.31    Published online October 30, 2015.
Microstructure and Mechanical Property in the Weld Heat-affected Zone of V-added Austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C Low Density Steels
Joonoh Moon*, Seong-Jun Park*
Correspondence:  Joonoh Moon,
Email: mjo99@kims.re.kr
Microstructure and tensile property in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) of austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C low density steels were investigated through transmission electron microscopy analysis and tensile tests. The HAZ samples were prepared using Gleeble simulation with high heat input welding condition of 300 kJ/cm, and the HAZ peak temperature of 1200℃ was determined from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test. The strain- stress responses of base steels showed that the addition of V improved the tensile and yield strength by grain refinement and precipitation strengthening. Tensile strength and elongation decreased in the weld HAZ as compared to the base steel, due to grain growth, while V-added steel had a higher HAZ strength as compared than V-free steel.
Key Words: Low density steel, Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ), Grain refinement, Precipitation strengthening Vanadium carbide

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