API강재의 파이버레이저 용접시 유기되는 플라즈마의 방사특성 (Ⅱ)용접조건과 방사신호의 관련성 |
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Characteristics of Plasma Emission Signals in Fiber Laser Welding of API Steel (Ⅱ) - The Relationship between Welding Conditions and Emission Signals - |
Chang-Je LEE, Jong-Do KIM, Yu-Chan KIM |
Abstract |
Laser welding by fiber laser accompanied by a lot of spatter and humping bead. This is because the deep and narrow keyhole usually form due to high beam quality. So the weld bead is formed defects, because the plasma jet with a high vapor pressure make the molten pool on keyhole wall scattered. For such a reason, unstable behavior of keyhole is difficult to monitor laser welding by using the laser induced plasma. Mostly, fiber laser welding of thick plates most be influenced by this effect. Therefore, fiber laser welding has been difficult to apply the sole. Thus, laser welding monitoring based on plasma measurements have much difficulty in measurements and analysis of signal. In this study, influence of the plasma emission signal according to welding speed and laser power in fiber laser welding analysed by using RMS and FFT analysis. We can verify that RMS value of the plasma emission signal changes with welding parameters in fiber laser welding, and aspect ratio greater than 1, the peak of FFT frequency had been moved in accordance with welding parameter. |
Key Words:
Fiber laser welding, Defocused distance, Laser power, Welding speed, RMS, FFT |