FCA 필릿 파이프 용접에서 다중 비선형 회귀 모형과 구간적 3차 에르미트 보간법을 통한 비드 형상 예측 |
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Expectation of Bead Shape using Non-linear Multiple Regression and Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation in FCA Fillet Pipe Welding |
Dae-Won Cho, Suck-Joo Na, Mok-Young Lee |
Abstract |
Pipe welding is used in various ranges such as civil engineering and ship building engineering. Until now, many technicians work for pipe welding manually under harmful, dangerous and difficult conditions. So it is necessary to install automation process. For automation pipe welding, relation between welding parameters & bead shape should be considered. Using this relation, bead shape could be expected from welding parameters. FCAW was used in this study. Instead of pipe workpiece, fillet joint plate is used, which were inclined 0,45,90,135,180 degree. By analyzing between welding parameters (current, welding speed, voltage) and bead shape parameters with non-linear multiple regression, bead shape parameters could be expected. Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation was used to expect smooth curved bead shape with bead shape parameters. From these processes, bead shape could be expected from welding parameters. |
Key Words:
Bead shape, Welding parameter, Non linear regression, Taguchi-method, Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation |