조선용 후판 AH32 강에 대한 SAW 및 Hybrid(CO₂ Laser+MIG) 맞대기 용접부의 열 및 역학적 특성 비교 |
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The Comparison of the Thermal and Mechanical Characteristic in Butt Joint for Ship Structure Thick Plate AH32 Steel by SAW & Hybrid(CO₂ Laser+MIG)Welding |
Han-Sur Bang, Chong-In Oh, Hee-Seon Bang, Chan-Seung Ro, Yoon-Ki Lee, Hyun-Soo Bong, Jeong-Soo Lee |
Abstract |
In this paper concentrate on the comparison of the thermal and mechanical characteristics in Butt joint of ship structure AH32 steel by using hybrid welding and conventional SAW. For this purpose, fundamental welding phenomena of hybrid process using CO₂ Laser and MIG is investigated by the experiments and characteristics of thermal and welding residual stress distribution of welded joint in SAW and hybrid welding are understood from the result of FE numerical simulation and experimental values. From the result of this study, it is understood that Laser-MIG hybrid welding have high potential, make substantial saving of time and manufacturing cost and may proves its self robust in the butt joining of thick AH32 steel ship structural plate in the near future. |
Key Words:
Hybrid Welding(CO₂ Laser+MIG) Process, Submerged Arc Welding, Ship Structure AH32 steel, Automated Production Line, Thermal and Mechanical Characteristic, Welding Residual Stress, FE Numerical Simulation |