4.3 Heat generation and Nugget growth
To investigate the reasons which phenomena influences TRIP combination higher button diameter in a thin sheet, the heat generation and nugget growth pattern is observed in a particular current(7.5 kA) in five cycles for both combinations. The evaluation shows, heat generation in the interfaces of sheets and also the sheets. Generally, the sheet/sheet interface provides superior resistance of electric current flow, which allows nugget to form in interface rather than in bulk materials. There is significant difference in heat generation in the interface “A” and interface “B”. The interface “A” of Al-HPF and TRIP combination is closer to the electrode, therefore cooling is high in this interface. Moreover, due to electrode force, acute stress localization might occur between electrode to top sheet contact edge and also between top to middle sheet interface. This localized stress might cause the deformation of the top sheet. This high deformation will lead to a change in the contact pressure and contact area in the faying interface. Higher stress in this interface might lead to lower contact resistance, and heat generation will be less in the interface “A”
1). The comparison between two combination heat generation at 7.5 kA, 1 cycle in the interfaces shows Al-HPF combination having high heat generation in the interfaces than TRIP combination
5). The reason might be due to the higher interfacial contact resistance due to the Al-HPF coating layer and contamination of surfaces
4). Carbon (like greases) is the main cause of contamination, which can be burned during welding. Moreover, as the Al-Si coating layer having high hardness, therefore, contact area is not uniform in the interfaces results in high contact resistance in this interface than the TRIP combination. For both combinations, the heat generation is higher in interface “B” than interface “A”, and melting usually occurs in the interface of high heat generation.
It is reported that in three sheets spot welding, if all the sheets are similar combination, the melting will start in geometric center or either any of the interfaces. The location of melting depends on the distance to water cooled electrode and the thickness of sheets
4). But for dissimilar material welding, the beginning of melting is more complicated. To investigate the initial melting location, resistance spot welding was performed at 7.5 kA and 5 cycles. The melting is observed in interface “B” for both combination, and nugget is formed between the middle and bottom sheet. The nugget size is more extensive for the TRIP combination than the one of the Al-HPF combination. in this interface. However, a different phenomenon is observed in the case of Al-HPF combination. At higher magnification, Al-HPF combination shows the presence of two nuggets (
Fig. 4). The other nugget form close to the geometric center of the middle sheet of the Al-HPF combination. The solidification direction of both nuggets and equiaxed grain in the merging point of two nuggets confirms the presence of two nuggets. It is believed that the heat generated in two interfaces of Al-HPF combination due to high contact resistance conducted to the geometric center of the middle sheet. There is also the additional heat generation due to sheet own bulk resistance. The combined effect might initiate the melting in the geometric centre of the middle sheet of the Al-HPF combination. The concave heat flow pattern from both interfaces to the middle sheet suggests the occurrence of heat conduction from both interfaces to the middle. It is mentioned that melting in middle sheet is highly dependent on the mass of the middle sheet in three sheets spot welding. If the mass of the middle sheet is not sufficient enough, melting will occur here as it cannot absorb all heat conducted from both interfaces
Fig. 4
Coalescence of two nuggets in Al-HPF combination during early resistance spot welding time
The welds were made at 7.5 kA and 6 cycles to investigate the nugget growth direction, and its macro- structures are shown in
Fig. 5. It can be seen that for Al-HPF combination the nugget growth rate is higher electrode direction (
Fig. 5(a)). However, for the TRIP combination, the nugget growth rate is higher in sheet direction (
Fig. 5(b)). As for Al-HPF combination nugget growth rate is higher in electrode direction, it should give larger penetration and nugget diameter in thin sheet with welding schedule of 7.5 kA and 21 cycles. However, the weld growth curve suggest TRIP combination having a higher button diameter than the Al-HPF combination. Therefore, the TRIP combination should have a large nugget diameter in a thin sheet because nugget diameter is proportional to button diameter. So there is a contrast in nugget formation mechanism and nugget diameter.
Fig. 5
Comparison of nugget growth at 7.5 kA and 6 cycle welding condition; a) Al-HPF combination b) TRIP combination
More detailed observation of the penetration on a thin sheet, the microstructure of thin sheet interface for both combinations are shown in
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6
Penetration depth and nugget diameter comparison in full welding schedule; a) Al-HPF combination b) TRIP combination
The Al- HPF combination nugget having a penetration of 179 µm in the thin sheet, which is higher than TRIP combination (129 µm) based on optical microstructural confirmation of melting at the interface “A”. This could be a reasonable prediction by observing the nugget growth mechanism of two combinations during first 6 welding cycles. The Al-HPF combination shows lower nugget diameter (3.00 mm) than the TRIP combination in thin sheet, which is different from predicted nugget growth rate pattern.
To investigate this phenomenon, the high speed camera incorporated into the captured images for gaining information on a heat generation pattern during the welding. The video was synchronized and snapshot was captured in cycles. The results are shown in
Fig. 7. From the images, it can be seen that for Al-HPF combination melting initiate at 7 cycles (
Fig. 7). In the subsequent cycles the Al-HPF shows the nugget growth in electrode direction and finally at 21 cycles shows good penetration in the thinner sheet. This is also observed in the full experimental welding schedule (7.5 kA, 21 cycle). For TRIP combination the initial melting is much earlier at 4cycles. In the subsequent cycle, it shows nugget growth sheet direction. At end of welding (21 cycle) though there is little penetration in thinner sheet it is having higher nugget diameter in thinner sheet compare to Al-HPF combination. This phenomenon is also observed in full experimental schedule.
Fig. 7
Comparison of nugget formation mechanism with welding time for HPF combination and TRIP combination (High speed camera still image)
Another distinguishable phenomenon is observed in high-speed camera video and snapshots between these two combinations. There is a gradual increase in indentation as the welding goes as nugget grows. The top electrode pushes the top thin sheet into the molten metal, growing from interface “B” during this gradual indentation. The TRIP combination finally subjected to higher indentation than the Al-HPF combination. To investigate the high indentation phenomena, the hardness of both combination middle sheets is measured since the materials of middle sheet is the only difference between these two combinations. The middle sheet of the Al-HPF combination has almost two times of hardness than the one of the TRIP combination, as shown in
Fig. 8. However, it is difficult to conclude the effect of hardness on indentation at high temperature, which is close to the melting temperature of the steel sheet. It is more reasonable that the higher heat generation at early welding time in the TRIP combination than the Al-HPF combination contributes the more substantial amount of plastic deformation for the indentation.
Fig. 8
Hardness comparison of middle sheet of HPF combination and TRIP combination
Moreover in SORPAS
® simulation, it was found the temperature profile of TRIP combination along interface “A” and middle sheet center line is higher than the Al-HPF combination at a simulation schedule of 7.5 kA, and 21 cycles (
Fig. 9), which suggests heat generation is higher TRIP combination. This high heat generation might be due to the higher chemical composition of TRIP 780. Heat generation in sheets will be followed by a change in the properties of sheets. Conse- quently, the strength of the steel sheets decreases, and larger indentation can occur, leading to an increase in the contact area between electrode to top sheet and top sheet to the middle sheet. Besides, there is an increase in dynamic resistance due to an increase in bulk resistance as temperature rise
7). This high temperature generates more melting in the fusion zone. Thereby nugget volume is a higher for the TRIP combination than Al- HPF combination as shown in
Fig. 10(a). Both this low hardness as well as high nugget volume in TRIP combination cause a high indentation in the TRIP combination. It is reported that the mechanical properties, as well as nugget volume, has relevance to indentation. The indentation increase with the increase of welding current and indentation has the primary relevance to nugget volume
8). The indentation difference also observed in
Fig. 10(b), which the data were given from SORPAS
® simulation. Here weld time is plotted as millisecond where 16.67 ms means 1 cycle. The electrode displacement is taken between two nodal points. The two nodal points are taken at top-electrode to top sheet contact point and bottom-electrode to bottom sheet contact point. It is also reported that the electrode to sheet and sheet to sheet deformation influences the weld current density
® simulation the difference in current density is investigated in interface “A”. The TRIP combination possesses a higher current density than the HPF combination, which is shown in
Fig. 10(c).
Fig. 9
Temperature profile comparison along interface “A” and centre line of middle sheet at wdling current of 7.5 kA for HPF combination and TRIP combination
Fig. 10
(a) Nugget volume, (b) electrode displacement, and (c) current density difference at interface “A” for HPF combination and TRIP combination based on SORPAS® simulation schedule of 7.5 kA and 3.5 kN
Moreover, high indentation can influence the contact area between electrode to the sheet. It is reported that a soft material will be indented by the electrode more than a hard material. This high indent will cause an increase in the contact area between the sheet and electrode. As TRIP combination middle sheet TRIP 780 having low hardness as well as possesses higher nugget volume during welding, will be subjected to higher indentation than Al-HPF combination as Al-HPF combination middle sheet having high hardness and lower nugget volume during welding. So the current path width will be more extensive for the TRIP combination than the Al-HPF combination which will give higher nugget diameter in a thin sheet of trip combination though penetration can be less in a thin sheet. The mechanism can be shown according to the following
Fig. 11. Farson et.al monitored the nugget diameter with change of electrode displacement during the cooling stage of welding
9) and found indentation increases the nugget diameter. Nilsen et. al mentioned the observation of gaining higher nugget diameter in a thin sheet in three sheets spot welding due higher indentation
2). Jo et al. reported larger welding current process window for high electrode force compare to low electrode force in resistance spot welding
10). So it can be concluded that though too much indentation is defined as a bad quality in resistance spot welding, it can have significant effect to get good weldability in three sheets spot welding.
Fig. 11
Difference in current path width of (a) HPF combination and (b) TRIP combination during resistance spot welding